Jun 18, 2004

BaCk iN ThE oFFiCe

Guess what, I just start work today! Since last Sunday, I was not feeling well.. Got fever, cough & tonsil. My fever quite high. Doctor gave me MC for 2 days. On Wednesday, when I just about to go to work, I found out that there's something wrong with my little baby. Early that morning, she kept on vomiting all of her milk, which she had earlier. It's a lot. It's like she's trying to clear her stomach.

My hubby advice my not to go to work and take care of her. We brought her to clinic and the doctor told us not to worry too much cause it's just "a wind". Sometimes that will hapen to a 9 mth old baby.

Yesterday, my hubby was not feeling well. He had fever. I brought him to the same clinic. He's now at home resting.

What a tiring week for me...

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